School Uniform

Our school uniform is intended to be both smart and practical for children to wear. We hope that it will make life easier for parents as well as giving the children a sense of identity with our school colour of red.  We ask for parental co-operation in supporting us in encouraging the children to be tidy and appropriately dressed including suitable footwear. Currently, children come to school in PE kit on two days a week, with the exception of our YR pupils- who change at school. Our 'logo' uniform is available to purchase from Uniform Sales Website as indicated below.

We appreciate that branded uniform is more expensive and welcome any same colour items such a T-shirts and jumpers without the school logo. Our lovely PTA regularly hold good condition uniform sales.


  • Grey or black skirt / pinafore / shorts / trousers
  • Red school  polo shirt (logo)
  • Red school jumper / cardigan (logo)
  • Black / grey / white socks
  • White / red / grey tights
  • Black sensible school shoes
  • Red checked summer dress 
  • Plain white, red or black hair accessories

PE uniform

  • Red round neck T-shirt ( logo)
  • Red hoodie ( logo)
  • Black shorts or sports leggings / trousers
  • Trainers 

Swimming lessons as arranged (one-piece swimming costume or swimming trunks, towel and goggles)

Other things your child will need from time to time

Water Bottle- This is provided, cleaned and filled daily for children in our foundation stage unit (FSU) and YR-Y2. Children in Years 3-6 should bring their own water bottle to school. We ask that only water is in these please.

Coat – We play outside all year round, so please make sure your child brings a coat with them everyday to school.  A warm, showerproof coat for winter time and a lightweight showerproof coat for summer time. You are able to purchase a red school coat(logo) or fleece if you would like to, but these are not compulsory.

Wellies – when children attend our Weekly Wednesday Wellie Walk, it will be necessary to wear wellies.  These need to be brought into and taken home from school each Wednesday.  You may wish to provide waterproof trousers- they do like to get muddy!

Hat – A hat is essential in the summer months.  You can buy a school hat (logo) from the website if you would like one.  You can send sun cream in with your child but they will have to apply it themselves.

YR P.E bag– A named red school PE bag (logo) should be used to help keep things tidy and to store PE kit for our children in YR (Reception).  These can be hung on their pegs. 

Lunch Box – Most children who bring a packed lunch use a standard lunch box.  These have the advantage of stacking neatly in their classrooms.

 Photos coming soon....